Nancy’s Ooey Gooey Butter Bars
How should I describe this St. Louis originated, made simple Gooey Butter Cake in one word? Practical.
How should I describe this St. Louis originated, made simple Gooey Butter Cake in one word? Practical.
This cake my friends, is so simple, so good and tastes so bright. Just like the sun in this beautiful, warm Spring day. Breathe…
The last condiment of our Cinco de Mayo condiment series, guys!!! The sweet & savory, with a little bit of a kick, ‘let me get you acquainted with’ Tropical Fruit Salsa. Mangoes, Orange, Cucumber, absolutely (tropical), divine!
Yes, Cinco de Mayo food’vaganza is going on over here in Denver guys! As I mentioned in my last post, this week I’m doing 3 kind of salsas that are not only yu-mmm, but can be “nimbly” consumed. Yes, we’re talking about slathering over some chunk of meat, chicken, fish or crunchy carbs other than your typical tortilla chips.
Hi guys! After a long month of being buried under a dune of design projects, which secretly (or maybe not so secretly) I love,… I dig myself out – and there I see a beautiful sunny day. Chirping birds, green grass, blue sky – my crab apple trees are in full bloom, especially the one with pink flowers. And you know what friends, this weekend, a super storm is coming. If you believe what those fancy weather casters say, we’ll have more than a foot or two of snow. Yep, as usual spring feels somewhat so short-lived here in beautiful Denver. Sigh. Two feet of snow, really? Sigh, again.
What do you do post St. Patty’s Day? Well, the luck should not stop the minute the drinking, eating and partying are over, right? Not for me at least 🙂 I got the chance to come over to my friend Lisa’s house. You guessed it, … for more food and laughter. How great was that?
“Laughter is Brightest where food is best.” Irish Proverb. Here Here!
“Always remember to forget the friends that proved untrue. But never forget to remember those that have stuck by you.” Irish Proverb.
“A good friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have.” Irish Proverb.
Oh, hi there! “Where have I been, you ask?” Well, friends, like the last time I was absent for a little while, I was… well, busy. Glued to my chair to complete a series of my studio’s project deadlines, I was gasping for air towards the end of last week. I needed a break. Bad. To see my friends. To recharge. To “gather.” All summed up in the word ‘play.’ Who doesn’t love to play, right?
When Eric and I were just dating, we didn’t really have much. There were many evenings we wanted to go out and have a great restaurant meal, but just couldn’t afford it. I lived in a small, old apartment close to the downtown area and leased a pseudo sports car. I said “pseudo” sports car, because it really was 😀 And Eric… He swam in a sea of student debt.
Okay, what’s with the name: Forbidden rice? Right? Well, many moons ago in China, legend has it — this ancient grain was only consumed by their emperors and royalty. The masses were pretty much “forbidden” to eat it due to its superior nutrition, therefore ensuring longevity and enriching health. Well thank God, those days are over!
Here it is again. This time of year, we’re bombarded with all Valentine’s day marketing for everything! From romantic gifts to I love you so much I’ll let you put on weight kinda presents. Yep, those kind. So cruel. We’re talking about our struggle in losing those 10 pounds we’ve collected over the holidays. Heart shaped chocolates, cakes, cookies. Cookies? Oh, yum! I don’t mind putting on some weight 😉
Happy Hump Day you guys! We’ve been having great weather the last few days here in Denver. (Sorry my friends in the East Coast). It’s wonderful, therefore my spring fever has kicked into high gear. Yep, spoiled 🙂
Gluten Free pasta, made at home by me? Say what, say what?! I never dreamed that day would ever come. Ever.
Oh, hi there! Long time no see 🙂 Fine, I was taking a long break. Please don’t make me feel any more guilty. It’s a new year. “Oh, Happy New Year guys!”
Let’s get to it, shall we?
Last summer, Nate’s buddy Scott was raving about the Chicken Roti he had on his trip to St. John’s, USVI. Well first of all, lucky kid! How awesome is that to have a trip to the Caribbean? But secondly, finding a resto serving West Indian dishes. One word: Curry. I love love love curries!
Goodness… Do you realize there are only 2 more weeks to Christmas? Unreal! This year has gone by so very fast! I went out with a friend last night to do much needed shopping (well, I lied, let’s say much wanted shopping, instead 😉 And ah… all the bright red color accents everywhere. Gorgeous! Red tableware, bakeware, aprons, small appliances, pots and pans… All of them yell, “Take me home with you.” All right, all right, I hangout at a cooking shop, yet again 😀 I thought I already have most of what’s in there, but no, I managed to come home with more items. Classic Fedra.
This one is about gratefulness more than naughtiness & yumminess since it’s almost Christmas. Are you game?
Here’s the first one on the ‘nice’ list: Asparagus and Quinoa Salad! A little extreme? Well, there’s no lettuce involved in this salad. So, turn that frown upside down people!
Please, do not roll your eyes yet. “Really?! More cookies? 2 days in a row now? Can you not mix it up a bit?” you ask. Well, yeah… It is the week of cookie swaps, you guys … So, let’s just enjoy this 😉
Well, ’tis the season after all to be naughty, so embrace it!
I’ve been moping around lately. I’ve been in such a need of vacation, I almost feel like I’m about to go batty. Well, let me correct myself, I need a get away! You know, a maximum of 3 nights, 4 days kinda get away. I just want to clear my head. Reboot. But, I can’t. It’s hard sometimes to be an adult, isn’t it? So, the last couple of weeks, I’ve been checking out air fares. Having Frontier (airlines) throwing $19 one way trip emails left and right, every darn day, doesn’t help either.
A couple of days ago we had some heavy snow. A foot of it to be exact. It was great to receive a call from the school announcing that it was a snow day. That means, it’s a snow day for everybody… Hurrah! Getting another hour of sleep is definitely nice. To make Eric and Nate coffee and breakfast lazily in my jammy is awesome. Somewhat it feels like a Saturday morning that we almost forget we ever had. We’re not racing to take Nate to school for practice after a Friday Night Light game.
I know right? Talking about having an identity crisis 😀 Well this dish I concoct, my friend, is worth a try. Why? Because it’s made with love. What?! It is… AND this meal is inspired by pasta carbonara. Did I pique your interest now?
Hey-yo… How could you not be intrigued to check out this post, right? For the longest time the rivalry between brownie and blondie has been fierce. Are you a brownie addict or are you a blondie hound? You have to know which side you’re on. Loud and proud for the longest time, I declared I was an unshakable brownie junkie – but today my friend I must confess: I’m rather… uncertain.
Did you ever find yourself rushing into the store to grab one thing, and one thing only: Rotisserie Chicken. Yes, usually that means that you don’t really have enough time to cook dinner. For some reason you got stuck in traffic, or a meeting went a little longer than expected, or maybe you just want to slack a little bit 🙂 It’s all good, no one’s judging. Well today is one of those days for me; I admit it, I want to slack on dinner. But I still have a desire to doctor up my rotisserie poultry. I need some flavor injection in that bird!
If I were a dish, I definitely would not be this dish. Like I said (in case if you didn’t read the headline, so here it is again 😉 it’s simple. It’s that kind of meal that you makes think, “how can this be so yummy yet so simple, I almost feel guilty for being already done.” But yes people… It’s that simple and that delicious.
Happy Monday you guys! I gotta tell you this weekend dinner with friends was super laid back. Everything on the menu was simple yet fabulous. The reason being is that we had a very busy week. So, to preserve my sanity fair – although in my mind, sanity, seriously, is for the weak 🙂 – I went with ‘no fuss no mas’ dishes.