Nancy’s Ooey Gooey Butter Bars
How should I describe this St. Louis originated, made simple Gooey Butter Cake in one word? Practical.
How should I describe this St. Louis originated, made simple Gooey Butter Cake in one word? Practical.
This cake my friends, is so simple, so good and tastes so bright. Just like the sun in this beautiful, warm Spring day. Breathe…
The last condiment of our Cinco de Mayo condiment series, guys!!! The sweet & savory, with a little bit of a kick, ‘let me get you acquainted with’ Tropical Fruit Salsa. Mangoes, Orange, Cucumber, absolutely (tropical), divine!
Yes, Cinco de Mayo food’vaganza is going on over here in Denver guys! As I mentioned in my last post, this week I’m doing 3 kind of salsas that are not only yu-mmm, but can be “nimbly” consumed. Yes, we’re talking about slathering over some chunk of meat, chicken, fish or crunchy carbs other than your typical tortilla chips.
Hi guys! After a long month of being buried under a dune of design projects, which secretly (or maybe not so secretly) I love,… I dig myself out – and there I see a beautiful sunny day. Chirping birds, green grass, blue sky – my crab apple trees are in full bloom, especially the one with pink flowers. And you know what friends, this weekend, a super storm is coming. If you believe what those fancy weather casters say, we’ll have more than a foot or two of snow. Yep, as usual spring feels somewhat so short-lived here in beautiful Denver. Sigh. Two feet of snow, really? Sigh, again.
When Eric and I were just dating, we didn’t really have much. There were many evenings we wanted to go out and have a great restaurant meal, but just couldn’t afford it. I lived in a small, old apartment close to the downtown area and leased a pseudo sports car. I said “pseudo” sports car, because it really was 😀 And Eric… He swam in a sea of student debt.
Okay, what’s with the name: Forbidden rice? Right? Well, many moons ago in China, legend has it — this ancient grain was only consumed by their emperors and royalty. The masses were pretty much “forbidden” to eat it due to its superior nutrition, therefore ensuring longevity and enriching health. Well thank God, those days are over!
Here it is again. This time of year, we’re bombarded with all Valentine’s day marketing for everything! From romantic gifts to I love you so much I’ll let you put on weight kinda presents. Yep, those kind. So cruel. We’re talking about our struggle in losing those 10 pounds we’ve collected over the holidays. Heart shaped chocolates, cakes, cookies. Cookies? Oh, yum! I don’t mind putting on some weight 😉