Nancy’s Ooey Gooey Butter Bars
How should I describe this St. Louis originated, made simple Gooey Butter Cake in one word? Practical.
How should I describe this St. Louis originated, made simple Gooey Butter Cake in one word? Practical.
This cake my friends, is so simple, so good and tastes so bright. Just like the sun in this beautiful, warm Spring day. Breathe…
“May the roof above us never fall in. And may the friends gathered below it never fall out.” Irish Proverb.
Totally not my fault that Valentine’s Day and President’s Day fall into the same weekend. It’s not my fault that I feel perfectly compelled to make and post another round of chocolate cake either 🙂
Heads up friends… This would be my most picture-packed post. Well, it’s almost Valentine’s Day, so why not have sweet pictures to go along the sweet treat my sweet friend Cindy made, right? That’s taking sweetness to a whole new level! Sweet 🙂
Here it is again. This time of year, we’re bombarded with all Valentine’s day marketing for everything! From romantic gifts to I love you so much I’ll let you put on weight kinda presents. Yep, those kind. So cruel. We’re talking about our struggle in losing those 10 pounds we’ve collected over the holidays. Heart shaped chocolates, cakes, cookies. Cookies? Oh, yum! I don’t mind putting on some weight 😉
Please, do not roll your eyes yet. “Really?! More cookies? 2 days in a row now? Can you not mix it up a bit?” you ask. Well, yeah… It is the week of cookie swaps, you guys … So, let’s just enjoy this 😉
Well, ’tis the season after all to be naughty, so embrace it!
Hey-yo… How could you not be intrigued to check out this post, right? For the longest time the rivalry between brownie and blondie has been fierce. Are you a brownie addict or are you a blondie hound? You have to know which side you’re on. Loud and proud for the longest time, I declared I was an unshakable brownie junkie – but today my friend I must confess: I’m rather… uncertain.
Happy end of October you guys… Let’s seal this beautiful Autumn month with something sweet, something apple and… something easy. All of us somewhat need to get used to having the days shorter and cooler, and the work heavier and more serious. We crave for, well, spice induced comfort.
I profess: Every year around this time, (beginning of Fall) I have a recurring feasting obsession — “everything pumpkin.” I’m quite sure I’m not alone in this. I went to Starbucks the other day, and of course was ordering a grande PSL with soy milk, sans whip cream and a heavenly slice of their pumpkin bread. Yep, I went home feeling overloaded with the “everything pumpkin.” But I’m sure the next time I go there, I’ll order the same stuff again.
I confess, . . . I’m a chocoholic and I’m a huge fan of Guittard Chocolate. Not good…